How to make Christmas plastic free in 2023 – our top tips!

At H2Origin Refills, we cherish the festive spirit of Christmas, relishing moments with family, friends, and delectable cuisine. However, amidst the joy, a pressing concern emerges. According to GWP Group, a staggering 114,000 tonnes of excess plastic waste is generated each Christmas, prompting many to seek ways to reduce or eliminate their plastic footprint during the holiday season.

To assist in this endeavour, we've compiled our top tips for achieving a plastic-free Christmas in 2023:

  1. Choose gifts that encourage reuse: Embrace the philosophy that gifts should be enduring, not ephemeral, and choose presents that promote reuse, offering alternatives to plastic all year round. Research by Keep Britain Tidy and BRITA UK reveals that nearly three-quarters of people would prefer refilling existing bottles over purchasing new plastic ones. Consider gifting stylish, refillable water bottles to make a lasting impact on reducing plastic waste throughout the year.

  2. Embrace plastic-free wrapping: While the joy of beautifully wrapped presents is undeniable, traditional wrapping materials often come with an environmental cost. Shiny or glittery wrapping paper, along with plastic-based Sellotape, is rarely recyclable. Choose greener alternatives such as plain or parcel paper adorned with festive string, and plant-based Sellotape for guilt-free sealing.

  3. Avoid plastic toys: Opt for presents that are not made of or wrapped in plastic. Despite the initial elation, children quickly outgrow toys, with more than 40% breaking or no longer holding the child’s interest by March. Consider imposing a ban on new plastic toys and challenge yourself to find environmentally friendly alternatives.

  4. Donate, re-gift, or re-use: Combat the influx of new gifts by donating old toys to those in need or re-gifting unused items. Zurich Insurance research indicates that 95% of parents declutter before Christmas, discarding millions of toys, with a significant portion ending up in landfills. Challenge the trend by embracing a more sustainable approach.

  5. Opt for loose fruit and vegetables: The festive season often tempts overindulgence, leading to excess food purchases. A poll by Waitrose indicates that over 60% of shoppers tend to overbuy during Christmas. Minimise plastic waste by choosing loose fruit and vegetables instead of those packaged in unnecessary plastic.

Wishing you a fantastic festive period and a spectacular start to 2024 from all of us at H2Origin Refills!


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