What are refilling stations – for businesses?

The question of how people hydrate when out and about is a lot more complex than it might appear. Provision of free, accessible water leaves a lot to be desired in the UK, and the solution for many people is to buy bottles of water – more than 7.7 billion each year.

On average, people buy three bottles of water a week, leading to an estimated 19 million bottles being littered, sent to landfill or incinerated every day. This has huge waste implications, including for businesses who operate public spaces like shopping centres or airports.

But is there a better way? If the quantity of plastic water bottles bought in the UK could be reduced or eliminated, businesses could instantly cut their plastic waste and the associated CO2 emissions from the bottled water supply chain, whilst also promoting a healthy alternative to sugary soft drinks.

What are water refilling stations?

A water refilling station is an upgrade on the traditional water fountain and a sustainable alternative to vending machines which sell bottled drinks. It provides convenient, affordable and sustainable hydration, allowing visitors to refill their bottles with premium water on the move.

Installing a H2Origin water refill station in your buildings can have a whole range of benefits for your business that will be felt instantly.

As opposed to a building owner or operators investing in ‘free’ water fountain installations as part of any ESG drive, there is a premium alterative. H2Origin will install its branded refillable water stations at our cost.  Visitors are in-turn charged 45p for a 500ml or 750ml water bottle refill, justified by being a premium product - chilled, triple filtered still or sparkling water – akin to premium bottled without the plastic! This income can be shared with the site owner based on usage.

Introducing a water bottle refill station and encouraging the use of refillable plastic bottles in your building is an easy to deploy, high impact ESG focused initiative. You will not only be removing the plastic waste, but also the carbon emissions generated from the raw material extraction, manufacture, transportation and management of the plastic bottle supply chain – all of which accounts for 82.8g of CO2 for each 500ml plastic bottle.

Each water refill station provided by H2Origin Refills will tell you exactly how many refills have been provided and provide a monthly report showing how much plastic and carbon emissions have been saved as a result.

In summary this is a impact, low cost and low maintenance ESG initiative that also has the potential to be revenue positive. Installing H2Origin water refilling stations offer tangible, benefits for property owners and indeed the planet.

Want to learn more about our water refilling stations and how they can benefit your business? Get in touch with our team today by clicking here.


What are refilling stations – for consumers?


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